You need to click the time for the film or event that you want to book for which will take you to our booking engine.
Before viewing the films and showtimes, ensure you have selected the cinema you wish to view information for. To change your location information go to the top left of the site and click either the location already listed or the location pin icon

if you are viewing on a mobile or tablet, then select from the drop down menu.
Once you are viewing information from your desired cinema, you will see our full lineup on our home page and the show times. Simply click a time to book that time. If you see a film or event you want to know more about, click it and you will be able to watch the trailer and see more information.
If you are using a mobile and can't see any film listings, try first clicking "merlincinemas" at the top to ensure you are on the home page and then try scrolling down.
Movie Magic Discount Card FAQ
For our specific Movie Magic enquiries, see
At what age do children get classed as adults in cinemas?
Up to 14 years a person will be charged at Child prices. Because of 15 certificate films, that is the age at which children are charged Adult prices.
At what age do adults get classed as seniors in cinemas?
Up to 59 years an adult will be charged at Adult prices, then from 60 years an adult will be charged at Senior prices.
I have a Meerkat Movies 2 for 1 code, how do I use it online?
First select your film, showing and seats as usual then at the ticket stage in the online booking process you will need to click "Add" at the top where it says "Apply E-Ticket & Promotional Code(s)" then enter the code in the box and click "Validate". If the code is accepted then click "Return To Order", this will make the discounted ticket available to select in the ticket options. You must ensure you click the "+" symbol to apply this ticket to the order. If the code is not accepted then you will need to speak to Meerkat Movies. If you have attempted to use it once already and there was a payment error, please wait for 15minutes for the code to become active again.
Can I use a free ticket in conjunction with the Meerkat Movies 2 for 1 offer?
You can get your usual Movie Magic monetary discount on the ticket you are paying for, but you cannot use a free tickets from your account in conjunction with the Meerkat Movie 2 for 1 offer.
I have a promotional voucher or e-ticket through a third party app, how do I use it online?
You must first check the details of the scheme you're signup up to and they will issue you with a code. On the ticket stage in the online booking process you will need to click "Add" at the top where it says "Apply E-Ticket & Promotional Code(s)" then enter this code in the box and click "Validate". If the code is not accepted then the code may not be valid with Merlin Cinemas. Please refer back to your scheme provider in all instances.
What is Flexible Booking?
This is an optional charge that is offered during online bookings, and bookings made via telephone. If purchased at time of booking, we agree to refund the booking (minus fees) for any reason as long as a claim is made at least 1 hour before the advertised time of the film or event cinema screening.
For more details click here.
Age Ratings and Certificates
What do the age ratings mean?
For all the details about BBFC film certificates, please see
If my child is under 15 and wants to see a 15 certificate rated film, can they watch it if I am with them?
No, if a film has been granted a 15 certificate by the BBFC then noone under 15 may see that film in a cinema, it is part of our license to uphold this. Proof of age me be requested.
We now accept YOTI Digital ID.
This is the same for 18 certificate rated films; all must be 18 or over to see that flim in a cinema.